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Boilers & Heat Pumps

If you wish to switch to a lower-emission heating system, there are several options for generating heat with renewable energy for the benefit of the environment: pellet, log or heat pump heating.

Home Technology
Become a conductor

Our BRUNNER home technology is practical, easy to use and full of benefits for the user. See what the abbreviations EAS, EOS and USA means and how you will enjoy using these "little helpers".

Secure guarantee extension now

Register your BRUNNER product within the first three months and you will receive a further warranty extension in addition to the usual BRUNNER warranties.


Quelle: PNP-Heimatwirtschaft

Mehr Platz für Wärmepumpen und Co.


Die Rottaler Ulrich Brunner GmbH erweitert derzeit massiv - Kritik an aktuellen Debatten in der Politik.

Das Wort "Heizwende" war in diesem Frühjahr in aller Munde.

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1. These must be provided with the source reference "BRUNNER" or "BRUNNER GmbH".
2. If the name of the stove builder involved or another authorized third party appears from the file name, this must also be stated (e.g. photo: BRUNNER GmbH/Ofenbau Mustermann).
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